domingo, 4 de agosto de 2013

Last Battle for St. Lo

(The airborne infantry of the 101st await on prepared positions on the outskirts of St. Lo, but the Gepanzerte assault of the Panzergrenadiers of the 2nd SS-Division surprised them)

(The arrival of the U.S. reserves)

(The Thunderbolt squadron prevent the StuG Platoon  holds the objective)
(But the aimed shoot of the German artillery and the fire of the 2-i-C StuG, now promoted to C-i-C, make the Stuart help unsuccessful)

(So, after suffering concentrated fire from Mortars, Thunderbolts and Rifle/MG, the Panzergrenadiers hold the objective)

jueves, 1 de agosto de 2013

St. Lo II

And after losing fast, Miguel played another game against a newbie player in our community of Flames of War who just had bought the Open Fire, Cenator. The worst part was that our cammera failed his platoon motivation test and died without battery and for Miguel, who lost 6-1 another time against the Panzer Lehr, losing one of his objectives in the hands of Cenator; Beginner´s luck?

St. Lo

 This time the two opponents fought a highly mobile tactical battle with little shot. Finally, General Miguel of the 101st, beign nearly one of his objectives, didn´t realize that the Gepanzerte had got closer than 10cm. of their objective when dismounted under fire the past turn. 6-1 for the Panzer Lehr.

Ranger´s Bloodroot Way

Rangers lead the way to Cherbourg, with a battle against the Fallschirmjägers, who opposed fierce resistance. One of the Fällschirmjägers Platoons stopped two Tank Assaults! However only the Command Team survived and, after this, he routed leaving one objective free for the Rangers. With 3 platoons lost (all armoured) Rangers won 4-3