"Air observer reporting to base, first units of 4th Infantry Division just have crossed the Atlantic Wall. No strong infantry defences awaiting, but a lot of bunkers, nests, minefields and barbed-wire entanglements. I see a german artillery battery in the outside of the town. The town itself is occupied by a german infantry platoon and 3 5cm Pak38 Guns"
"I see our men from Screaming Eagles coming out the woods at the other side of the town. They go forward leveraging all coverages"
"Good shoot! Blast has shaken my plane! Only two artillery guns left"
(Miguel was supposed to have to take the german artillery with the airborne. But the naval guns did the job!.
Really, the naval guns unbalaced the game, as Carlos and me didn´t have AA to send the air observer to hell.
"I see now the recce jeeps going forward to the german defences. They must stop in front of the barbed-wire and wait for the shermans. They look for a hole in the german lines of fire. Infantry is advancing at truscott-trot. The bullets of the german bunker´s HMGs whistle around them. One hidden HMG nest have catched the jeeps under its fire. Three jeeps explode, but the fourth, bravely, waits until the shermans destroy the barbed wire entanglement and crosses the minefield. Go, 4th, go!
(One of the most funny moments of the battle for mine was when Siro failed three saves from his recce jeps. But it changes to his side when the surviving jeep passed the platoon morale check, and in the next turns crossed the minefield and went towards one of the objectives of the other table)
"The men of the 101st come under fire of the german guns, but they are covered wisely from their own mortars firing a smoke screen. They advance and fire. They need more help. Yes!. Good mapping coordinates! The fire of our battleship has hit in the middle of the germans. I must wait the smoke disipates. Not too much damage, but the germans are all frightened, looking for any hole for hide."
"The tanks have breakthrough from a hole in the german defences... but they stop in front of a minefield. The crew don´t want to cross! Only
(The smoke screen from the mortars covers the advance of the infantry towards the objectives)
one brave Sherman cross unharmed towards our
objective. The 4th advances, but the fire of his men isn´t enough strong in front of the german infantry strongpoints. The german HMG and 5cm guns bunkers and nests make a butchery in our men. Jesush, I can´t look..."
(The assault company lost two platoon under german HMG and 5cm guns fire in his approach)
"The brave 101st continues advancing, but now, some unexpected german defences arrive and assault the airborne infantry. The bold U.S. men recovers and counterattack, and the germans give ground. With the boost of the fight, and aided by the artillery of the naval guns in a crucial strike, the airborne assault the german guns towards their objective, but they receive heavy fire from two
german platoons and must retire."
(All the germans platoons are pinned down, but the assault of the 101st is driven back)
"The survivor recce jeep of the 4th drives fastly to contact the 101st. The 4th infantry is ready to assault the german wiederstandnest. Yes, I´ve heard this german name in the radio. Oh, Oh! I must hold back to refuel..." So, we don´t know the history´s final...
(With the 4th infantry breaching through one flank and ready to assault, but with the awaiting of german resereves, we have to stop game because of hour. Dominaria have to close sometime!)
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