miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

Ranger´s Battle Royal

(The two new Rangers of Dominaria, Siro and me, met in a Free-for-All scenario in the flooded areas behind Omaha Beach)
(The army list of the German army was:
                                                     HQ (with one Panzerschreck Team and one Sniper Team. The 2-i-C made a Kampfgruppe with 2 teams of each grenadier squad)
                                                     2 Grenadier Platoons (3 Grenadier Squads)
                                                      1 Grenadier Pioneer Platoon (2 Pioneer Squads + Supply Wagon)
                                                       1 Grenadier Anti-Tank Gun Platoon (2 7.5cm PaK40)
                                                       1 Grenadier Heavy Artillery Battery (4 15cm sFH18 Guns)
                                                       1 Grenadier Assault Gun Platoon (2 StuG G)
                                                        1 SS Panzer Platoon (3 StuG G)
                                                     1 Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Lehr Platoon (2 Panzergrenadier Squads)
                                                                                                                                                1500 pts.)

(The army list of the U.S. 4th Division was:
                                                                  HQ Company (with 2 bazookas)
                                                                  Rifle Platoon (A) 2 Squads
                                                                  Rifle Platoon (B) 3 Squads
                                                                  HMG Platoon (Attached to Rifle (A)) 1 Section
                                                                  Mortar Platoon - 3 Sections
                                                                  A.T.G. Platoon - 3 Sections
                                                                  Engineer Weapons Squad
                                                                  F.A.B.- 1 Section
                                                                  Assault Gun Platoon - 3 Shermans 105mm
                                                                  Tank Destroyer (Towed) - 1 section
                                                                  A.A. - 1 section
                                                                  Independent Tank Platoon - 3M4A1 Shermans
                                                                                                                                                   1500 pts.)

(The artilleries were situated one in front of the other)
-"Give me four 15cm guns again and I´ll return to war"- Ex-nazi Hauptmann Georg Witze to his grandsons when he was eighty years old.

(Bad Luck for the SS Stug G, one of it explodes after a hit of an antitank gun. The platoons of the left german flank are pinned down by mortar fire)

-"First we softened the germans with some distant fire. Then it was time for hand to hand"- Sergeant Mckincey of the 4th Infantry Division in a post-war interview.

(The U.S. general hides his recce jeeps and 105mm Shermans)

(And then deploys the Antitank guns and flanks by the flooded side, killing the artillery observer)
-"If you have a protected flank, you have a protected flank. Ask Von Clausewitz"- Oberst Kristoff von Struffen of 275 Infanteriedivision

(The AA platoon advanced coverd by the pioneers)

-"That U.S. AA platoon... that U.S. AA platoon... I knew it would cause us problems. For ya boy with ball!"- Ex-nazi Hauptmann Georg Witze to his grandsons when he was eighty years old.

(The Panzer Lehr Platoon lost its half-tracks under mortar fire)

(The U.S. artillery fires a smoke screen to the german observer, but, with the staff, the germans repeat its shoot several times. Finally the german bombshells destroyed the U.S. self-propelled guns in turn six)

-"Where was I... Yes! Give me four 15cm guns again and I´ll return to war! Aho!Aho!Aho!"- Ex-nazi Hauptmann Georg Witze to his grandsons when he was eighty years old.

(The AA platoon kills the whole grenadier platoon in the farm)

-"I know we have the best armament. But sometimes I realize the yankees have all their armament everywhere"- Oberst Kristoff von Struffen of the 275 Infanteriedivision

(With two shermans bogged down, the command tank did flee the remnants of the Panzergrenadier Lehr Platoon)

(And the brave infantry of the 4th assaulted successfully the SS Panzers)
-"My riflemen were the best! These SS were a cowardly pigs"- Sergeant Mckincey of the 4th Infantry Division in a post-war interview.

(But the Grenadiers finished the job the Panzergrenadiers were unable)
-"Ah!, the old and faithful infantry"- Oberst Kristoff Von Struffen of 275 Infanteriedivision

(The hit of the sniper pinned down the rifle platoon, under fire from the Grenadier Rifle/MG. The U.S. infantry had to give ground)

-"What do I prefer, MG or sniper fire? With their MGs the germans put a bullet in my chest that near killed me. But this damned sniper hit me in the ass!"- Sergeant Mckincey of the 4th Infantry Division in a post-war interview

(Direct Fire from the Grenadier Assault Guns and the 15cm survivor Gun sent hell two Shermans. The command Sherman held against overhelming numbers)

-"I knew that we were only a distraction. But, hell, I didn´t know was what a distraction was so dangerous"- Lt. Hal

(Last team standing. Another failed Motivation check failed: sole survivor)
(The A.A. Platoon eliminites the last resistance and takes the objective)

-"If the Panzer Lehr and the SS run away, I don´t know why the Grenadiers must stay"- Oberst Kristoff Von Struffen of 275 Infanteriedivision

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